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Aesthetic Dental Spa Blog

It’s Okay to Go Easy Sometimes: The Downsides of Brushing Too Hard

February 21, 2025

Toothbrush with paste

Brushing your teeth twice a day is essential to preventing accumulations of harmful bacteria that can lead to nasty oral infections like tooth decay and gum disease. However, you can harm your teeth if you brush them too aggressively, which can result in unsightly scratches and enamel erosion. Here’s a quick overview of how you can brush your teeth safely, gently, and effectively so you can stay in excellent oral health.


What Habits Can Harm Dental Implants?

February 13, 2025

Extinguished cigarette

Dental implants are remarkable prosthetic devices that can replace lost teeth with beautiful restorations that look, work, and feel just like the real thing. While these appliances are designed to be incredibly sturdy, durable, and functional, certain bad habits can damage them and the tissues supporting them, which leads to their early failure. Here’s a brief overview of a few common practices to refrain from after getting dental implants.


The Truth About Cranberries: Are They Good or Bad for Your Holiday Smile?

November 4, 2024

bowl of cranberries

In preparation for Thanksgiving, you may be looking for ways to make this year’s holiday spread healthier and more smile-friendly. With plenty of protein, fresh fruits, and vegetables, you feel pretty good about what you’ll be serving. But what about cranberries? Many families cannot begin to dig in without this delectable dish; however, you may wonder, “Are these tasty, red treats good or bad for your oral health?” Read on to learn their many benefits and drawbacks so that you can make the right decision for your holiday table.


“Say Cheese!” 4 Reasons to Smile After a Cosmetic Dental Treatment

September 4, 2024

Woman smiling wide after her cosmetic dental treatment

Many people choose cosmetic dental treatments because they’ve simply been afraid to smile for too long. If you’re one of those people, congratulations! You probably can’t wait to put your new smile to the test.

Did you know that a genuine grin has several mental and physical health benefits? That’s right – saying “cheese!” and lighting up for the camera could actually improve your quality of life. To celebrate you and your pearly whites, let’s dive into four good reasons to keep on smiling!


What Are the Best Ways to Prepare for Invisalign Treatment?

May 13, 2024

Lady removes Invisalign clear aligners

If you’re going to begin your Invisalign treatment soon, you have every reason to be excited. After all, you’ll be gradually straightening out your smile without wearing the obvious and irremovable metal parts and adhering to the often-frustrating dietary restrictions that come with traditional braces. While patients often report that Invisalign is more comfortable than conventional orthodontic methods, there are a few measures you can take to make the transition into the treatment easier. Here are a few ways to prepare for Invisalign so you can achieve more ideal results.


My Teeth Could Be Prettier; Should I Get a Smile Makeover?

March 13, 2024

Lady shows off pretty smile

Are you worried about cosmetic defects in your smile? Perhaps you are frustrated by stubborn dental stains that won’t respond to your oral hygiene practices, or maybe the visible wear, cracks, and chips in your front teeth irk you whenever you look in the mirror. If you think your grin could use an intensive dental treatment program to get into shape, then a smile makeover may be the right thing for you. Here’s a quick overview of some of the benefits a smile makeover can bring you.


4 Kinds of Tooth Pain and What They Mean

December 6, 2023

person holding their tooth and wincing in pain

Encountering a toothache can be a disconcerting experience. The severity of these aches ranges from slight discomfort to intense pain, causing disruptions in your daily activities and potentially affecting your ability to sleep peacefully. Toothaches are a common concern in oral health, arising from various factors. While some may be mild and resolve on their own, others can be severe, requiring immediate professional attention. Delve into the exploration of the four main types of toothaches, unraveling their potential causes and understanding their impact on your oral health.


Dental Disaster Defense: Tips to Keep Your Smile Trouble-Free

October 13, 2023

A man holding his jaw in pain due to dental emergences

You can’t predict everything, but you can prepare for anything. Dental emergencies can be caused by a variety of factors like sports collisions, vehicle accidents, or poor oral hygiene. Only one of those factors is completely within your control, so take charge to help yourself!

If you want to learn the best ways to make your teeth less prone to emergencies, continue reading. Below you’ll find all the information you need for a strong and healthy smile.


Why You Should Quit Smoking When You Get Dentures

August 16, 2023

person holding cigarette

Medical and dental experts strongly discourage smoking due to its addictive nature. If you’re considering dentures, it’s essential to quit smoking as soon as possible. Smoking not only jeopardizes the health of your new teeth but also increases the risk of serious oral and systemic health issues. Read on to understand the potential consequences of smoking with dentures and discover effective methods to quit this harmful habit.


Are DIY Replacement Teeth Safe?

June 30, 2023

Gloved hand exposing man’s missing toothFew people have extra money lying around for expensive dental procedures, like replacing lost teeth. If you’re looking for ways to save money, don’t turn to risky DIY tooth replacement. You will find many over-the-counter products and at-home solutions for a variety of dental problems, but pinching pennies can cause irreversible damage. Here’s why it’s best to spend the extra money on safe, proven results when treating tooth loss.
